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  1. justforthelulz

    shitpost here

    @immortalartisan Yes, you can play as a merchant class/build in Skyrim.
  2. justforthelulz

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 10 Ch. 94

    Scarf: Aight, I'mma head out.
  3. justforthelulz

    Aikagi-kun to Shiawase Gohan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.5 - Cherries Too Good to Be Wasted

    10 USD for 200g = 22 USD/pound (450g) GODDAMN
  4. justforthelulz

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 10 Ch. 93

    Izumi tripping all the flags on this trip.
  5. justforthelulz

    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - Shino and Saki

    Waiting for the reveal that Saki is a distant relative (cousin?) of Yoshiko.
  6. justforthelulz

    Staff Observation Thread

    The recent Staff AMA gave us a fair amount of insight (some of which was previously covered) into the madness that is the center of our attention.
  7. justforthelulz

    Oshimai - Vol. 2 Ch. 4 - Valentine Hunter Matsuzaki

    A true guidance counselor.
  8. justforthelulz

    Don't Touch Kando-chan! - Ch. 4

    Was hoping they'd get frustrated at the claw machine, leading her to pull her real gun out one more time.
  9. justforthelulz

    Hanazono-sanchi no Futago-chan - Ch. 27 - Seize the World!

    The way this arc is going, you'd almost think Yuriko didn't even exist as a character.
  10. justforthelulz

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 61

    Not even using protection.
  11. justforthelulz

    shitpost here

    @pandascepter What the fuck does this even mean?
  12. justforthelulz

    shitpost here

    What even is internet humor anymore?
  13. justforthelulz

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 32.5 - Omake

  14. justforthelulz

    Change the aggregator policy :rejected: and stop shitposting

    You're basically asking the devs to tell a lie and hurt (sometimes innocent, but always ignorant) users. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
  15. justforthelulz

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @Richman @Halo I can't believe I missed this; what was the thread titled/about?