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  1. EggMiner

    The Cool Classmate ◯◯ Years Later... - Ch. 47

    By the neighbour? :02:
  2. EggMiner

    The Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere Girl Getting Less and Less Tsun Day by Day - Ch. 97

    :slap::slap::slap: There you go. That should fix it. :thumbsup:
  3. EggMiner

    Neko ni Tensei Shita Ojisan - Ch. 124

    An hour's reading and I'm done :meguuusad: I came expecting a manga like the web novel "The Fourteen Years I Spent as a Cat", this is different, but it's also good.
  4. EggMiner

    Henkyou no Roukishi: Bard Loen - Vol. 6 Ch. 36 - Smoked Spirits

    The politics in this runs like one of my CK3 games :lul:
  5. EggMiner

    A Childhood Friend I Thought Was a Guy Turned Out to Actually Be a Girl - Oneshot

    I doubt it. It's looks like it's just a trend, and people are jumping on the train. We'll need a person living there to give definitive info on it, but I doubt it's a common thing there. Unless you are talking about stray dogs biting people.
  6. EggMiner

    Oshinobi Dousei - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    For some reason this reminded me of The Bone Collector's rat scene, and now I can't get it out of my mind.
  7. EggMiner

    The Mentor and the New Employee Who Gradually Change Each Other - Ch. 21

    I can understand the shock of the co-workers. Such a huge change over a weekend. Both in his appearance and in their relationship.
  8. EggMiner

    Deretsundere-san - Oneshot

    Sorry girl, but you have no chance with him. He looks like he dislikes you, and you acting like you do isn't helping you at all. Say goodbye to your fantasies.
  9. EggMiner

    A Romcom About a Dark Witch and a Zombie - Oneshot

    How does he speak without a voice box? Actually, how do any of the Skeleton MCs speak without one?
  10. EggMiner

    Tookago ni Menhera ni Naru Gyaru - Ch. 20 - Day 10

    You sure the TL wasn't thinking about a different peak when typing it out? :smugnako:
  11. EggMiner

    The Killer Shoujo's Love Training - Ch. 1

    So did he kill his wife?
  12. EggMiner

    The Mentor and the New Employee Who Gradually Change Each Other - Ch. 14

    What's the TN note!? You can't tease us!!! Show is the haircut, and let us judge him.
  13. EggMiner

    The Mentor and the New Employee Who Gradually Change Each Other - Ch. 12

    I doubt they are reporting it, right? They look like they are leaving. At max it might escalate to the HR department.
  14. EggMiner

    Legendary Car-Hailing System - Ch. 18

    is it just me, or are chapters 1-17 missing?