Man these are great. So much little character moments.
Everyone taunting one another like drunk friends. Remilia hanging all over Sakuya. Marisa cooking like in WaHH, Reimu being nice to her when they're alone and sober.
It's just really fun seeing these folks when they're all just having...
It's pretty great getting more canon flan. Interactions with Sakuya, proof she's not so much locked away as just willingly staying, also she's not some moeblob but honestly kinda cracked in the head.
See? She's a nice youkai.
Possibly she's also this series' Kosuzu. But really I'm hoping there's more Suika and other general idiocy and not JUST this girl. Though she seems nice enough anyway.
@Grimmycoffee I'm guessing she means how magician youkai don't have to eat or drink, like how patchouli and Alice are.
Marisa hasn't made the leap to youkai, so Alice is joking about her, or something.