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  1. deleteTF


    Where are the mods comment banning these guys calling SSSSS "retards", "garbage", "shithead". I Don't like SSSSS either but c'mon guys, stop being petty.
  2. deleteTF

    Major site update: Group blocking, more external links and upcoming infrastructure upgrades

    @DarkDooM Yeah, but there's a chance that he indeed was collaborating with someone (which i doubt), so maybe he was evading the block feature but we can't tell for sure, so it's unfair to ban him. @Holo just needs to code that: collaborative chapters will not appear if one of the scans is...
  3. deleteTF

    Major site update: Group blocking, more external links and upcoming infrastructure upgrades

    @hecatia I'm pretty sure blocking chinese and korean comics comes right after this update, until it's here, if you don't like it, just don't read it, even if clogs up the feed a bit. I Thinks this update is more urgent because of the drama around it, there is groups that dropped series because...
  4. deleteTF

    What's the worst manga you've read?

    Gal Cleaning, i don't even know what happened to this day.
  5. deleteTF

    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Don't Have Anything to do.

    Really happy for the father and daughter bonding together.
  6. deleteTF

    Isekai titles so dumb they could work

    "That time i died.... and that's it"
  7. deleteTF

    Spoiler Tag Issue

    Yeah the guy posting spoiler is wrong, but why are you getting so worked up over this minor thing? Staff probably has a lot of reports to go through, and other more stuff that need more attention than some guy posting spoiler with the spoiler tag in the wrong place. Talk to staff if you are...
  8. deleteTF


    @Arcedia No worries man, thanks for the reply. I Remember reading it while it was still published, good times! I Think i will re-read it now.
  9. deleteTF


    @Arcedia What is the name of this manga? i read it a long time ago
  10. deleteTF

    Ability to edit Avatar when uploading image for profile pic

    I Support this, it should be easy enough to implement, and it would save time.
  11. deleteTF

    I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    The comment section is looking pretty clean, thanks MD Mods!
  12. deleteTF

    How Many Light-Years to Babylon? - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    Thanks for the chapter! Hoping for more uploads!
  13. deleteTF

    What game do you regret purchasing?

    Kingdom Hearts 3, I'm a KH fan and love kh1 and kh2 to death, even COM. KH3 just was kinda a disappointment, not a bad game, but not a good game either, mediocre at best, the first 2 hours and last 5 were the best part, the rest felt like filler bullshit. I payed full price aswell, it may be...
  14. deleteTF

    The Isekai Returnee is Too OP for the Modern World - Vol. 2 Ch. 5.3

    I'm going to continue reading this, but if this shit happens again i'm dropping, wtf was the author thinking.
  15. deleteTF

    Doubt - Ch. 23

    Press X to...
  16. deleteTF

    Bakemonogatari - Vol. 8 Ch. 61

    He is still alive? wot?
  17. deleteTF

    Berserk - Vol. 22 Ch. 184 - War Cry of the Wind (2)

    Damn, even Miura knew berserk would never end (page 21)
  18. deleteTF


    Tokitou and genya were cut in half, genya is probably going to survive, bit rip tokitou