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  1. PillarMan-FD

    Watashi, 2-banme no Kanojo de Ii kara. - Ch. 5.2 - I Know

    I'm sure there'd be less confusion if Kirishima just chose a girl and stuck with her—preferably Hayasaka.
  2. PillarMan-FD

    Sign In Issue

    It works on Microsoft Edge, though I rarely use that browser. Also, it looks like Automatic Sign In is beginning to work again. And If I could stay signed in after closing Chrome, that'd be perfect.
  3. PillarMan-FD

    Sign In Issue

    I tried resetting my Chrome, and even that didn't work. I don't have many extensions either, and I don't think they ever interfered with MangaDex, so I don't know what's causing this.
  4. PillarMan-FD

    Kyomushi Sanmyaku

    I finished the first part of the main story and am currently stalled on Dai Kyochuu Rettou. I know, right? Barring a few hiccups (like calling Etsuko "Yukari Etsuko" instead of Etsuko Hayashida), this translation had potential. But, one can only hope.
  5. PillarMan-FD

    Kyomushi Sanmyaku

    I'll try to be brief because the series hasn't been translated past the first four chapters. After the initial group of Tsuyoshi, Kukuri, Shiori, Masaru, Etsuko, and Inaho escape the tunnel, they run into a camera crew hoping to film the ongoings of the abandoned tunnel. Both groups team up...
  6. PillarMan-FD

    Sign In Issue

    I tried changing my password and it worked. Never mind, still having problems.
  7. PillarMan-FD

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Ch. 114 - Kouhai and Impulses

    Remember kids: all things in moderation.
  8. PillarMan-FD

    Sign In Issue

    Due to some error on my Chrome browser, I ended up deleting my cookies. Now, I'm having problems staying signed in. I can sign in easily, even clicking on Remember Me, but I when I close and reopen my browser, I'm automatically signed out. Is there a cookie or cache that I'm missing, or is this...
  9. PillarMan-FD

    Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu. - Ch. 15

    Claudia encouraged Washio to make a decision because she cared about him. There's nothing wrong with that.
  10. PillarMan-FD

    Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu. - Ch. 12

    It seems Professor Limpdick and his little clone won't learn.
  11. PillarMan-FD

    Kyomushi Sanmyaku

    If anyone cares, the series just ended its run this month. I thought it was good. And it's a waste to see the rest of Kyomushi Sanmyaku go untranslated, save for the Chinese and Vietnamese translations, which made finding any untranslated chapters irritating.
  12. PillarMan-FD

    Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu. - Ch. 11

    Joining Professor Limpdick's faction and putting up with him and his little clone is a horrible idea. It would be a matter of time before Claudia and Aria killed them and destroyed half the university because these arrogant pricks didn't know when to shut up. Also, looking forward to the robot...
  13. PillarMan-FD

    The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - It's Almost As If...

    This is going to sound weird, but I kind of feel sorry for Pamela. Sure, her scheme to frame Constance falling apart was cathartic, but being forced to dance til she drops while those vile nobles enjoy the show was cruel and highly unusual.
  14. PillarMan-FD

    Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon: Elma OL Nikki - Vol. 7 Ch. 58 - I Won First Prize!!

    Never go for the lottery. It will only bring misery.
  15. PillarMan-FD

    Mugen no Skill Getter! - Vol. 5 Ch. 31 - Persuation

    I can enjoy a dumb romp when I see one, but even I have limits for irrational behavior. So maybe Princess Filia has a few... personality quirks. Why conclude that Yuuri is lying and assume he's the demon who brainwashed her and Mejelle? And Yuuri could have knocked those guys out and kept them...
  16. PillarMan-FD

    Mugen no Skill Getter! - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - I will never forget this favor

    If Kazuma was in this situation, he'd go all up in that.
  17. PillarMan-FD

    Tengoku de Akuma ga Boku wo Miwaku Suru - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Hide and Seek

    I can't tell which ass is enchanting... Kaoru's soft-looking buns... Or Gira's seismic rear...