Search results

  1. contrasena

    name of manga with sumerian gods

    Hello. I can't remember the name of a manga with its world inspired by sumerian/mesopotamian mythology (Ishtar, Tiamat, marduk, etc...) It is a romance manga and the setting its located inside a world based on mesopotamian culture. It has very graphic scenes and battles. I only want the name...
  2. contrasena

    forgotten Fantasy/military/sci-fi manga name

    Hello. I'm looking for a manga wich has a postwar setting in wich humanity won the war against other races. So it can be either fantasy or sci fi. I think I read only the first chapter this year. Those losing races then were "sealed" on several megastructures around the world and are on...
  3. contrasena

    Manga name from several years ago

    Since several years ago I'm searching for a manga tittle that appears to be a curse on my memory. So I'm pasting what I wrote on another forum: I'm searching for a particular manga where the protagonist is some kind of leader/royalty/prince/king of a country and at some point comes back from a...