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  1. T

    Exporting Library titles API issue

    I have managed to get requests with a list of manga from my library, but I for some reason when the results are often jumbled around, I found that I can request 100 titles and then shift them with offset +100 and that creates jumbled lists of titles. Is there a limit ,like 10? Is it a sorting...
  2. T

    Limit reader loading.

    Reader load all pages in focus and the continues loading all subsequent pages, which are usually too many and it fails with the orange retry button. Please add a user set limit to how many page its going to try to load after the current in focus page. Also add retry fail count, how many times...
  3. T

    Hide specific manga titles in latest feed.

    From what I understand everyone uses the Latest page to read manga daily but the latest feed is often literred with manga that you have zero interest in so it would be nice to add manga to a ignore list/hide list.
  4. T

    The new arrow to hide navigation tools to the left is non-intuitive and positioned to far up north. :implemented:

    I think the arrows positions should be reversed to how it was in the middle of the sidebar and not up top.
  5. T

    Uploaded timestamp is hidden

    *Never mind it was resolved after some mintes and some refreshes very strange.* I guess there was a new visual update for the site and now the update timestamp on the latest page is always hidden when viewing the site at any zoom level, and since I am on desktop its really annoying to having to...
  6. T

    IOS 7 Safari browser cant "follow" manga etc.

    The button looks pressed but nothing really happens. Havinf this issue for severall days now. If its not supported ,thats allright. Edit: IOS 9.3.5*