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  1. DeerA

    Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja

    @Geth270: I can't speak for any other groups, but we don't translate it for people without access, we translate it to build up interest in a series so that it can get officially picked up. Once it does get picked up, we remove the chapters to encourage people to buy the official release and...
  2. DeerA

    Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja - Vol. 8 Ch. 41

    @Romariel: Search Light + nya
  3. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 37

    @JVM: This manga chapter depicts the end of light novel volume 3. The main story ends with the boat falling from the sky. There are some additional side stories, though.
  4. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    @OuterRem: And we just scanlate it because it's super easy compared to most other manga we've looked at and somehow gets over 50k views a chapter, so clearly there's some kind of audience 😀
  5. DeerA


    @Gazz91: Oh crap, I somehow totally messed up when translating that part. You're right, it definitely says "blue." We'll get that fixed. EDIT: It's now corrected.
  6. DeerA

    A Mob of Deer

    @sarul95: That series is licensed by Square Enix; we don't work on licensed series.
  7. DeerA


    @datnewt: Getting a little bit of power and being able to beat up stuff weaker than him isn't his goal, he still lacks confidence. Like he says a few pages later, he doesn't want to hide behind anyone, he wants to stand with them. Myne feeling that she has to protect Fate shows him that he's...
  8. DeerA


    @LowSanity: GIMP and Google and lots of "eh, I'm sure no one will really care if it's kind of shoddy."
  9. DeerA


    @LegitRikk: I did the translation, cleaning, and typesetting myself on GIMP for a few hours a day after work for a couple weeks, for fun.
  10. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 32.5

    @TheGoodFella: 32.5 has been out for a week, took me about 20 minutes to translate, and Deer B was working on it before 33 came out. Skipping it wouldn't make 33 come out any faster.
  11. DeerA

    Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de - Vol. 8 Ch. 36 - It seems to be the Holy City infiltration

    @nickberg656 If they quit because someone posts a bad translation, they were probably already planning to quit and just wanted an excuse. If there were such a delicate translator/scan group out there that you need to tip toe around them so you don't hurt their feelings, they aren't going to...
  12. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 32

    @Nautilus59: As Salfaro mentioned, we are now caught up; the chapter 32 raws were just released 5 days ago. Assuming there are no delays, the next chapter raws won't be released until February 7, so don't expect anything until that weekend at the very earliest (but more likely sometime the week...
  13. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 3 Ch. 28

    Go back and reread Dewey dunking on Saiga. I know I have multiple times, and it never gets old.
  14. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 3 Ch. 27

    @Sep10trion: He gave up Eckesachs in order to train himself to be strong without her, which is the opposite of the conclusion you reached.
  15. DeerA


    @Kidawesome55 In a world without TVs and Internet, it's not too surprising that people wouldn't know what anyone they hadn't met personally looked like. Don't forget that they all disappeared 30 years ago.
  16. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    @xyagerx You might want to try our release instead, A Mob of Deer. MD insists on keeping poorly done chapters for archival purposes or something.
  17. DeerA


    @cezyou: If you aren't reading it already, I'd recommend Cooking with Wild Game, particularly the light novel since the manga doesn't go into as much detail on the cooking process and mentality, but it has fantasy ingredients and a Japanese chef who has to try to figure out how to make them work.
  18. DeerA

    Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja

    @erneiz If you look at the raws for chapter 2, it actually is romanized as "Danblf", which I think we can all agree is the worst timeline :)
  19. DeerA

    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    @Tanterei: I know, right? If it's so bad, go read something else, don't force yourself, heh. Honestly, one of the biggest reasons we're still doing the series is because it's so easy. It's like a breath of fresh air compared to Kenja's 30-page chapters with dense dialog.
  20. DeerA

    Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

    @Ashi Oh, really. Please, tell me more. :popcorn: