Adult Kusuri is the hottest girl by a mile and that's why she's barely around. They started too strong too quick and had to reel it back to give everyone else their fair chance.
Wait for him to save her, then have her claim some BS about how he was gonna tie her up but she got away and either accidentally fell off or say he pushed her off.
God damn it. When I read "This kid's laps behind" me brain automatically went "Definitely not streets ahead".
EDIT: Also Kirishima clearly has some kind of low-key super power like from Jitsu Wa, bet on it.
Fastest page to new "best girl" ratio I've seen yet. AND we got the return of my favorite side character, "you can kill me" girl too.
Favorite chapter in a while, easy.
This dude actually hit her with the "I'm home" the moment he figured out she remembered, as if they were already married or something. God damn the balls on this kid, what a baller.