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  1. I

    Scroll-to-top arrow bug

    Been seeing these lately in some manhwas i'm reading that the arrow on the bottom right side for vertical reading isn't working the way it's supposed to. When i press the arrow instead of going up it scrolls to the bottom page. But it's just a minor issue tho.
  2. I

    Data saver(not working or removed?) :fixed:

    Does anyone have an answer on why data saver doesn't work anymore?
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    About political threads

    Do we really need political threads on mangadex? It doesn't feel right that we have it here as well..sooner or later they're gonna flood these threads with their "expert political opinions" and hate.
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    Thumbnails Issue

    If only mangadex stops changing the manga thumbnails for one second...that would be great.
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    Homepage thumbnail loading issue.

    Mangadex isn't loading the bottom half of it's homepage thumbnails if i use browser apps like chrome or brave..At this point im not sure where the problem is...the apps, mangadex, or my phone?