Sure make me eat my words, but hey I really happy now I did not have to leave this is my favoret site and having to leave would have bine soo hard, Thanks for the fix.
guess my new realtiy is that with all your new changes and my old computer (running vista, and firefox no longer supporting vista) I will have too find another source of manga to read. So until I can aford a new computer this is good bye (I doo like your service well its bine fun).
Having issues with page loading, everything goes fine then Two hours later the pages are still not loading, so perhaps not all those cables have bine hooked up.
Thought it was a repeat, but if its reuploaded for mistakes made in the first upload then I'm willing to read it again, but I do want the story to progress and waiting for new chapters and only finding repeats (sorry reuploads)can really be frustrating.
[sorry for my bad grammer and spelling...