I think cats having trouble climbing down is a myth, because for 1 a cat can jump off the roof of a house and be perfectly fine and it's harder, but cats can just climb backwards like descending a latter or upside down if there's enough of a slope.
I don't know what bottles they use for sake and the like, but if it's like a wine bottle shouldn't he have broken bones if the shock of transfer could break them?
Did anyone else notice that Takoha said he "Ghosts do possess people, but I've never heard it quite like this..." does this mean he has experience with other exorcisms?
Does anyone know the name of that fairy tale where a guy drinks liquor with some guys in the mountains and falls a sleep for 20 years, I think it was German.
I've seen no one mention this, but an average human life span should be more around 100+ plus years. Also why is the beast race's life span so much longer than a human's?
I've been wondering this for awhile, but don't they have cameras in that school. Because there were cameras in my school. Even if no one ever checked them, they could hold it over our heads as a threat that if we did something they had evidence.
On the last panel is the author trying to say that the conflict reached its peak a sunrise or did he mean that the sun rose from the wrong direction and forgot that it does rise in the east?