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  1. weebifiedbenny

    Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.6 - Twitter Extra 1

    so no one else has to look: twitter: @siousuisio0057 pixiv: 16422960
  2. weebifiedbenny

    Run Away With Me, Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 14

    yooo yoooo yoooooo
  3. weebifiedbenny

    About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    at least it was so bad it made someone good pick it up c:
  4. weebifiedbenny

    Lily Marble - Ch. 29

    just KISS HER dumb bitch
  5. weebifiedbenny

    Lily Marble - Ch. 27

    rip can
  6. weebifiedbenny

    For Each Retweet, Two Straight Girls Who Don't Get Along Will Kiss for One Second - Ch. 11

    the character bios at the end give me good vibes for future works
  7. weebifiedbenny


  8. weebifiedbenny

    Seifuku no Vampiress Lord - Vol. 3 Ch. 27.5 - Omake Of The Axed Lord

    theres no chance this will be remade will it ;-;
  9. weebifiedbenny

    Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    what was the censored shop name on pg 6
  10. weebifiedbenny

    Beauty and the Beast Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 35

    at least she didnt walk in on them fuckin
  11. weebifiedbenny

    Teiji ni Agaretara - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    broken english but cute