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  1. T

    Shaman King: Marcos

    Can't wait for this to get dropped and make the chronology confusing to follow because the licensing isn't releasing faster than the fan translation because Kodansha has a shit tier way of releasing official works compared to Shueisha.
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    Shaman King: The Super Star

    Remember when translators dropped projects after the licensing got ahead of them? I miss those days.
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    Shaman King: Red Crimson

    You know the least they could have done was actually translate Chapter 8 too, just to round out the volume and not leave us on the cliffhanger of "oh fuck it's Ultimo".
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    Shaman King

    Can we maybe remove the Mankin-Trad chapters that are just them going "Please support the official release" single page stuff. Like I get it, this is technically illegal, but for the sake of archival purposes and people not having the scratch to buy manga volumes, I think an aggregate site can...
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 146 - SCP-577

    Definitely prefer this older generic weird fun concept version than the try hard in your face "Feel heartwarmed ya bastards, reeee cops are bad" that the new one has. Why can't people just make a newer version that's slightly more deep and complex like SCP 2343 being an improvement on SCP 343.
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 141 - SCP-079

    The actual article for this thing is nowhere near as childish and brash with the two data entries it has, is the swearing the comic author's idea to keep it fresh? Seems like you might as well just skip it.