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  1. keruro01

    need some opinion. Why do people end up being serial killers?

    there's many case of serial killer mostly due to broken family,abuse or being poor (hitler) but on rare case there also serial killer that has normal and happy childhood but still can being of serial killers.. This makes no sense to me.
  2. keruro01

    Please tell me.. what you guys REAL gender

    Male, 21, Loner
  3. keruro01

    out of topic but What BREXIT really Means?

    Nice answer. 😲 i'll definitely sign up for those petition!
  4. keruro01

    out of topic but What BREXIT really Means?

    i'm not news guy person but this days, everytime i watch tv or somewhere on internet, there always topic about brexit.. what would happened if brexit get green light, why some ppl doesn't like brexit, i try reading some article about brexit but still did'nt understood (might be to complicated...