When I started to read it many years back, I really loved it, because it was funny, yet shocking and gore thing to read. They should ended it after the first "end" and do not bring any more stories, it is shit and I am just waiting to read then END chapter, make it complete, give it 4 stars and...
New art, serialization, changed few things, too quick, nothing explained.....why, just why? I actually wanted this to be a good cringe power hungry revenge, like other cringe mangas, but idk man, has 9 chapters now and it is about nothing.
I have few problems, but it is still something I wanna really read. I hate there is little to no involvement with the outside world and I surely hate how you can get special crops and NOT FUCKING BREEDING / GROWING THEM! but other than that, it is really joy to read, nice one 8/10.
I do not even know if there is any story. I like that it is something different, but yet same. I hate that there are like fucking elites and they are all wiped in single chapter, like what the fuck. But on the other hand, this kind of cringe is somehow different, so not bad.
I really do not...
I do not understand how people can read these chinese mangas that have 700 chaps of nearly nothing interesting. Like yeah, maybe 1-3 hundred chapters were ok, first 1 hundred was cool, but lol, I never got to finish this thing and it ended.
Nigga how it is racist when 2 black jawns say that to each other. You thirsty dude. If some homie says that to another one it means he is thirsty of someone who escaped the ghetto, having normal job and slaving to the big white boss. Never seen it personally tho.
lol dude regressed, could not withstand the travel to the past and the main villan took his powers, because of mistake. I give it few chapters, but this is hilarious haha.
- yes, it is pretty much shit
I really do not understand how this can have this big rating. It is not even that enjoyable. The story progression is all over the places, the typical bad guy > good guy revenge > bad guy out cycle....tried till like chapter 75, could not do more. Boring.
I can not say it is bad per say, but it is just this big pot of everything but nothing. It borrows nearly everything from different leveling mangas and delivers this complex slob of nothing. Like I can not really even care anymore, because I understand nearly nothing of what is going on. Skills...
Really nice and fresh thing to read. The chapter one rape scene was a low show value, but I do not mind, it adds more to the hatred of a kid who lost his family and friends. Dunno how will it progress, but please do not be another trashy reincarnation thing.
Idk why people cry about the scene...