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  1. Manko-sensei

    2024 April's Fools ads

    Last year I think someone from the stuff uploaded a folder with all the ads of the day that had been created, is it going to be the same this time? Since it's been already a week I hoped someone did it, but since it is not the case I wanted to know.
  2. Manko-sensei

    I can't open most of the old titles I'm trying to

    I'm using Windows 10, Mozilla Firefox (private window settings) or Brave (in this case without being logged in) as browser (for some reason it doesn't happen with Microsoft Edge), and today I'm getting the following error either if I try to load old titles (not recently updated in terms of...
  3. Manko-sensei

    [Mainsite] Control + left click fails to work

    Greetings, Since the last update I noticed that the first time I want to use the command Control + Left button click instead of opening a new tab redirects me to the chapter I selected using the same tab. When I go back (latest updates, it doesn't matter if it's the first page or another one)...
  4. Manko-sensei

    Keep settings when using private window/clearing site data

    Greetings, I love the new implements you added so far but every time I log in using my PC (Firefox with DuckDuckGo, so always private window) all the preferences are reset, which turns to be time consuming. I basically need to put again the Items per Page to the maximum, display Pornographic...
  5. Manko-sensei

    Creating an otaku Virtual RPG Community

    Greetings to everyone, First of all, thanks to all the Mangadex staff for bringing back forums and anyone curious wanting to revitalise them. To keep it short, I am an experienced Game Director and player that has played quite a number of systems, settings and genres that wants to create a...