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  1. SeasonLeaves

    Ariadne in the Blue Sky - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Strongest Man in the World

    Yep, Princess Pipi mentioned Lacile and Meme
  2. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 13 Ch. 55 - Summer Vacation pt. 1

    Ah yes classic horror stuffs at the end...
  3. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 12 Ch. 51 - Stray 2.0 Academy Back

    Now the position is reversed huh...
  4. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 12 Ch. 48 - A Food I Hate Is Napolitan

    Couldn't agree more 😭 About time he saw it coming
  5. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 9 Ch. 37 - Armor Wearing Venus

    Loli sensei ruthless as always 😭 Agree, if this is a battle manga they would be the elite group of villains meeting
  6. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 9 Ch. 36 - Hello World

    Dang Loli Sensei is ruthless Also i guess its the difference between secondary/cram school and college pedagogy. In the first, you are simply given the knowledge you want. In the second, you are given chance to think for yourselves for better or worse...
  7. SeasonLeaves

    Blue Period - Vol. 6 Ch. 25 - No Regrets

    Congrats to Yatora, afraid he gonna started ww3 or something 😭
  8. SeasonLeaves

    Gakuen Idolm@ster: Gold Rush - Ch. 12 - Bintang

    Kotone adalah Bintangku
  9. SeasonLeaves

    Gakuen Idolm@ster: Gold Rush - Ch. 14 - Sorak Kemenangan

    Kotone-chan! 😭😭 Aku bangga padamu sampai menangis.. 😭
  10. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Ch. 49 - All-Japan Junior Women's SP

    My Babygirl you are crying, i am crying too 😭. I heard some people thought the animation when Hikaru doing Ice Skating, its copying 2010s movement, music, and dress of an actual olympic figure skate...
  11. SeasonLeaves

    Vtuber Savior ✟ Messiah-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Sister Claire? Nope But close enough
  12. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Ch. 50 - Proof of Earnestness

    Man Inori crying really made my bad day an icing on the cake (reference to Score 3). I know above comments talk about Inori from her mental perspective. But imo I felt this is also play on the non-absolute nature of the ice that is. Iruka's accident and Hikaru's fall seems like a preparation of...
  13. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 8 Ch. 29 - Official Practice

    Let Inori and Tsukasa cook
  14. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 12 Ch. 48 - The Promised Day

    Everyone expect ENGI studio to fell in this adaptation (including me), but its the reason I read this underated masterpiece 😭. Sure some scenes were Skipped and the ice dance was CGI, but its smooth and the music was wild. Some manga readers won't like it, but I will say its the anime that...
  15. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 12 Ch. 47 - Creatures of the Night

    Each is an opposite pair of mirror themselves Also, Emo Coach produce Emo Kids guys...
  16. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 12 Ch. 46 - Light and Shadow

    Hikaru to Jun :"I can fix him" Also dang Rioh just got me respect "Then you should marry me". Dang KanoKari would never..
  17. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 10 Ch. 40 - Mentor

    Let the author cook
  18. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 10 Ch. 39 - Trial and Error

    This chapter makes me realize the teacher and student relationship in sport is so peak when done well Also that Inori and Tsukasa are MCs
  19. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 10 Ch. 38 - Junior Rules

    That Guy still losing wallets and stuffs..
  20. SeasonLeaves

    Medalist - Vol. 10 Ch. 37.5 - Men's Novice A

    The fact that Girls Skating is better than Boys here reminds me of Saki where Girl Mahjong is stronger than Boys