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  1. Naoriel

    The True Scandal

    The art is nice but the draw it yourself censured part isn't...... T.T
  2. Naoriel

    Bell's Scans

    This look promising!! The original cover of the novel look so much better though >.<
  3. Naoriel

    A False Confession

    Only now that I saw and recognised all those Claude do I realize how many webtoon I have read....seriously someone stop me from reading and furthering my knowledge on the Claudes!!! xD
  4. Naoriel

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life

    Ehm? Did I caught on correctly? The mage teacher wanted to humiliate her by showing how talentless she is with magic, by making her do the simplest spell, that made her nosebleed? O.o Is this it? Oh well! This look like a promising start! I kinda like how she look bored out of her life xD