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  1. MaeTheCat

    Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu - Vol. 10 Ch. 59 - Seal

    @WeirdBird I'm not sure how the manga is "putting you off" with Tigi-Tigil... What we know right now is that she was betrayed by Mikado and had something taken from her (that possibly contributed to the creation of the Dokkaku soldiers) and that she's been sent on a mission to kill them...
  2. MaeTheCat

    Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu - Vol. 10 Ch. 59 - Seal

    That last page is just great Just look at those expressions!
  3. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 10 Ch. 58 - Escape

    That last page is so damn good UUUUGGGGH😩😩😩
  4. MaeTheCat

    A Beast Cries in the Wilderness

    Man I can't wait for the next volume. His art goes completely bonkers in 10, just untouchable
  5. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 8 Ch. 48 - Hell

    I can't believe Itoh is fucking dead, who's going to finish drawing the manga? @Xitel It's literally the artist and his editor, the author of the novel shows up too (The slightly fatter guy). Not sure where their plot is headed since I didn't spoil myself but I'm guessing the threads converge...
  6. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 8 Ch. 47 - Sacrifice

    I'm surprised how much Itoh's plotline is in the volumes, thought it was a joke at first but this is turning out very interesting
  7. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 8 Ch. 44 - Boundaries

    Stunning 4th page hot damn Kind of surprised the authors are still somehow relevant, maybe the plot threads eventually come together. @Ironclad The quote was never about the Himalayas themselves, but how the jungles bring out the bestial nature in man
  8. MaeTheCat

    A Beast Cries in the Wilderness

    Here's hoping that typesetter gets back, really miss this series. @SniperKing I have the 9 Volume set and the 5 Bunkobans (they cover all the story but are tiny) Literally never seen the 15 volume version available anywhere
  9. MaeTheCat

    A Beast Cries in the Wilderness

    Last update: 16 Days Ago Did something happen? Was it dropped or are the TLs on holiday?
  10. MaeTheCat

    A Beast Cries in the Wilderness

    @anoman I've been waiting over a decade for this, I'm just glad it's finally getting TL'd. Until Dec2020 isn't a long time when it's a consistently weekly release
  11. MaeTheCat

    Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu - Vol. 6 Ch. 32 - Divine Power

    The spread on Page 7 is actually a rendition on the Vol.6 cover in the original run pretty killer stuff
  12. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 6 Ch. 31 - Glint

    Tigi-Tigil is great but she pales in comparison to the other gals IMO
  13. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 5 Ch. 30 - Battlefield

    So how big is Bison? I initially thought he was the biggest but after comparing him with Horse I'm guessing the pig might be bigger
  14. MaeTheCat

    Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu - Vol. 5 Ch. 29 - Clash

    Fuck yeah horse gonna go Ludwig on his ass
  15. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 5 Ch. 28 - Musical Suite

    When I read the raws I didn't really like Houzan but he's more and more kickass by the chapter
  16. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 5 Ch. 26 - Truth

    He literally threw Mikado so hard he ripped his own head off, and kept going. Fucking brutal. Decapitation seems to be an everyday thing in this manga
  17. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Kinsman

    I can't believe Sandira is fucking dead, he was so cool. Also using your enemy's guts as rope was brutal, what a great fight
  18. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 4 Ch. 24.5 - Omake

    It's pretty amazing how anal he is about the biology stuff Also, Yaguchi Takao is a name I haven't heard in a long time
  19. MaeTheCat

    Lamentations of a Beast in the Wilderness - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Rampage

    Is that mask on page 1 a reference to his other manga?