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  1. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    I had time to do a couple scripts while without proper computer. Don't expect weekly uploads going forward though. lol I felt it would have been improper to "translate" the romaji in the code on the title page, but for those curious:
  2. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    It's all pretty much a parody of impostor syndrome. Shizuuchi is what if all your paranoia about your accomplishments being fake were true, and you really were a moron who happened to get lucky constantly.
  3. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    I will finish this series no matter how many motherboards it costs me. (Going to try to keep it at one.)
  4. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 34 - Nudity is Really Powerful has come to our attention we kinda goofed on page 18 EDIT: this has been corrected!
  5. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 34 - Nudity is Really Powerful

    Hajime's mom was shown to be extremely jealous towards his father to the point of being paranoid about Hajime inheriting his so-far-unconfirmed womanizing tendencies. In chapter 21 she also says to Yuuka literally that she killed him, though Danke fürs Lesen understandably rendered it "he's dead...
  6. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 34 - Nudity is Really Powerful

    Yuuka is a savant under pressure from her upbringing and her sister's shadow to be the best at everything. She tries to learn how to be better at things by observing other people. Unfortunately she decided Hajime is better than her at living life, so she's been trying to learn from him how to be...
  7. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 34 - Nudity is Really Powerful

    Apologies in advance for degraded quality on some redrawing and stuff. Still doing this on a phone atm. Shirosawa Fanbox comment: And as a bonus, he did an interview with The Television about the previous chapter (the candy poker one): That's all for this time folks! Join us next chapter...
  8. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 33 - Licking the candy a girl licked

    Shirosawa is currently busy fighting impression zombies. We're ready to post within minutes of next chapter going up on Twitter. In the meantime, anyone willing to be spoiled by raws can click this link
  9. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 31 - Mitsuishi-san and the past ⑤

    I believe Shirosawa was just comparing Daddy Mitsuishi to Hajime in terms of influences in Yuuka. Stay tuned for the matter of Hajime's father though.
  10. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 33 - Licking the candy a girl licked

    For the record I do not recommend trying to redraw manga on a phone. Anyway, Shirosawa's supplementary Fanbox post with this one was: That's all folks! See you next time!
  11. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 32 - Breaking Into The School Pool During Summer Vacation With A Girl

    There may have been, I foolishly did not record them and now the Fanbox posts have been deleted, hence I started recording them in the threads here. They probably weren't super important anyway, most of the time it's just Shirosawa making a silly aside. Like, on next chapter's post it's just...
  12. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 32 - Breaking Into The School Pool During Summer Vacation With A Girl

    This time's fanbox caption wasn't as lore-heavy Uh... thanks for the info, I guess.
  13. Pandacron

    Zaako Zako Zako Zako Sensei - Ch. 23

    I too get the impression they're not really trying to pretend anymore... Also I appreciate the bit about baby Momoka's third-person pronoun. My teeth grind slightly whenever "valid if childish form of 'I'" is rendered "this girl now sounds like a caveman".
  14. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Idk if anyone's reading this but basically my computer died, so expect a sliiiight (couple months) delay on the next one. Apologies. orz
  15. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    I regret to inform you, you will probably be quite upset when we get to the volume bonuses.
  16. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    We finally made it! Introducing the manifestation of impostor syndrome herself, Shizuuchi. Ngl, this right here is half my motivation for translating this series. The other half is [SPOILER REDACTED]
  17. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Yeahhhh... lol I personally hated having to do that part. For what it's worth this kinda thing won't really come up again and it's mostly back to workplace comedy for the rest of the series.
  18. Pandacron

    Namihara-san wa Buchimaketai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    This month's release was delayed by me thinking it would be a good idea to take on a third manga the same month I started a new job. (it was not, and thankfully it was called off.) Never fear though, only death can stop me from finishing this series.
  19. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 31 - Mitsuishi-san and the past ⑤

    Probably not very long, Shizuka-chan's uniform implies it's still a flashback.
  20. Pandacron

    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 31 - Mitsuishi-san and the past ⑤

    Fanbox post with this one had some "lore dump" stuff so: