@r4nd0mus3r I wonder why...
*le me looks outside and sees 2 giant tub of lard can't even run for 5 minutes without running out of breath*
oh, right, complacency, a false sense of security, laziness, and a general attitude of "improving just enough to get by".
@datoneguy technically he didn't start it so it's all fair if he retaliates.
if the rules were no violence at all outside of the game, then the lizard broke it first.
the dude literally trained for many millennia, and gets spooked by a guy who is barely 20?
I agree with the rest, that's not how you build tension.
I mean Mashle handles tension and struggle better, and that's more of a gag manga than a serious one.
it's hilarious how mangas like these try to depict intensity and struggle just right after showing in previous chapters, if he's willing, the mc could just solve it, with diplomacy OR force.
anyway *continues reading*
well he's determined to "save the world"
bet you a week's lunch that determination is gonna be used by that neighboring country as a "to save this world you must destroy XYZ" and he'll fall for it.
because he is determined to save the world.