Just reread the first chapter because i forgot how he got together with nanjou and damn this is a tragedy.
Koyomi (CH. 1): "I want to lose my virginity to an inexperienced, black haired girl"
From the way the police guys are talking about the assassination, it seems like they arent involved with it. I wonder if they think that the shadow warriors are trying to assassinate Serie or that Serie is trying to assassinate someone.
Ah, who doesn't love romcom doors? In an emergency, like a fire, they automatically lock, to ensure that any lovers still inside, get to stay together for the rest oft their lives.
God just doesn't really matter for most experiments, so we don't need to account for his existence.
As for luck it generally gets compensated with large sample sizes.
As for the first article you reference (I only read the abstract). It seems to be mostly about how the placebo effect is...
It's not pseudo science. God's existence has neither been proven nor disproven. And proving either is basically impossible (this problem is what the chapter is about).
The thing at the end about how believing in god's protection making it more likely to recognize good luck is called the placebo...
I don't think it's going to be that easy. They certainly seem to work closely together and look out for each other if one of them is in danger/gets insulted. It could very well happen, That one of them joins Baals faction or one of the other three greats' grandsons.
Wait, since when are the 3 heroes/3 greats on his side. Isn't only the Barbados clan and Sullivan on his side? The other 3 greats have their own grandsons to push and I don't think we have seen much of the other hero clans.
Every time the protagonist crosses the road, I think he's gonna get hit by a truck. It happened twice in this chapter, and the rule of threes says the next time he crosses a road a new harem member will be added.