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  1. Auyula

    Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - Ch. 20

    Wow another mass release, I feel so spoiled (灬ºωº灬)♡and I'm absolutely basking in it, you guys are the best! Thank you so much!!!
  2. Auyula

    Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - Ch. 15

    Wah thank you so much for this update! I just finished my winterclass so I had to take a final today, and it kind of felt like my own special reward ♥♡♥(ꈍᴗꈍ)♥♡♥. I appreciate you guys so much ^ ^
  3. Auyula

    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Claude forever, I simply love it.
  4. Auyula

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Restarting Makes No Sense (9)

    Thank you for translating, your work is truly a blessing but know that your fans love you and want you to take care of yourself, we understand school comes first. I enjoyed the chapter and look forward to the next one. You certainly have my support 🤗
  5. Auyula

    Contract Concubine - Ch. 3

    I love it too much thanks
  6. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 36

    Ah really this is so good. Just reading a chapter lifts up my mood. Thank you so much for all your hard work! We all truly appreciate it. 🤗
  7. Auyula

    Beatrice - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    thanks for the chapter and hard work
  8. Auyula

    What Kind of Empress Is This? - Ch. 5

    Wow another great chapter. Thank you so much for translating, we all really appreciate it. That clif-hanger though, makes you weep with anticipation T T. I appreciate all your hard work, hope you all rest well and can't wait for more 🤗
  9. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce!

    I really hope that the scanlation group can see the messages of support. Cause all the messages of rudeness and hate can drown that out. Know that there are fans that love, care and support y’all. (。・ω・。)ノ♡
  10. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Have a lovey day, I’m looking forward to future updates. ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡
  11. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    I appreciate any effort someone puts in. Especially as so many comics out there are never translated. I don’t see anything wrong with asking for contributions, it is not a demand but an option. These are my own personal feelings, I will continue to support my favorite scanalation group...
  12. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Thank the translators for their hard work and dedication. I hope you relise that it brings a lot of joy to many peoples days. Such as mine, where as a poor overworked pre-med student, I take my pick me ups where I can get them. Your works are exactly that. If I can afford to take myself off...
  13. Auyula

    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    I always feel grateful to the people that volunteer their time to translate comics that bring me much joy. And I feel that as humans we are allowed to feel discontent when their is such a large backlash against something that is ment as a joke. I feel that it is regretfull that the translators...