Thanks for the chapter! I read the novel, but am thrilled to realize that I'm either starting to forget things or the manga is diverging - it's like having two excellent things to read in one.
Thanks for the chapter! I'm very, very curious about the lady in the hood, and yet somehow also wondering where exactly El is going to find a room 'fit for royalty' for his idiot dragon.
Thanks for the chapter! I'm always thrilled to read a new chapter of this one, and Lapis' totally inability to read the room is a constant delight... to me, anyway, if not to El.
Man, Neil is actually somehow both more and less likable here than he was in the novel. Spoiler tags for anyone who hasn't read the novel, though it's nothing major.
Hurray! El and Isana are both far too polite to actually give that dragon the kick in the head he often has coming to him, so here's Elrien to pick the slack. Can't wait! :D
Thank you for the chapter!
I really love the way they portray El in the manga. His somewhat goofy sinister look always cracks me up, and it makes him seem more human compared to the more innocent impression of him I got from the novel.
What a treat to read, thank you! This was a great chapter - the scene with Rai and Ciquel was adorable, and I get an amazing kick of Elrien and his desire to protect El in the most nervewracking ways possible. Great start to the weekend!
Ah, this makes me so happy - thanks for the chapter! El's persistent self-doubt is always a sad reminder of how terrible his past life was rejected by the world. I love seeing him slowly accept people here in his new life and get appreciation for it.
@InsaneInsomniac No, they're calling her a maid because she was introduced in that chapter being hired as a maid and then shown working as a maid before falling in love with her master's son, who is the man in this image. She's a maid because that's her job, not because she's wearing the...
This chapter was so infuriating I ended up going to find the web novel and see what happens next...'s still stupid. Like, even stupider. I honestly feel like this author has a set of dice that they're using to choose the next 'plot arc'. Argh.
Thanks for the translation, I love this series. :) Also, seeing El come up with the rain every three days made me laugh - that's what happens when you go up against an actual god!