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  1. F

    Isekai Ojisan

    As a translator myself.. that hand written page TL is next level. Hats off.
  2. F

    Yuki Nee-chan no Kan-nou Gokko

    shit dude. I got a boner while reading this on the toilet. Very annoying because it gets stuck under the fucking toilet seat.
  3. F

    2.5 Jigen no Ririsa

    Yo dat boi be in sum big doodoo now.
  4. F

    Midashitai Giya-san to Midarenai Tadamichi

    10/10. No better manga will ever be written. Fasten all seatbelts. Seal all entrances and exits. Close all shops in the mall. Cancel the three ring circus. Secure all animals in the zoo!
  5. F

    1000 Yen Hero

    This shits a masterpiece.
  6. F

    The Lady's Servant

    H O L Y J E S U S
  7. F

    Human Weapon Katsuo!

    This is great stuff.