Orcs aren't evil, they just follow their base instincts.
Stop hating you racists!!1! The orcs are just migrating to the schoolgirls' rooms and institutions!
It seemed like Ieoa was one of the smaller dracomorphs. We've seen plenty of large rooms in the tower, as such I believe we can remove that last [-]. Her attitude might only be when she's in public, so there is doubt that the final [-] is true.
Another [+] is that she could be the one to resolve...
Actually it comes down to this: the part where the necklace glows, what does it even imply? Is it too soon to know or did I forget something?
Thanks in advance for the reply 🙏
Kidney 'stones' are made of plant oils. Just stop eating fries, chips, fast food, etc and you'll be good. Of course evacuating smaller stones faster with more water works, but that could deplete your electrolytes and lead to dehydration.