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  1. R0M

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: ID:18735 My Profile: ID:224779 Proof: Sorry, but it’s new group, doesn’t have any website
  2. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 71 - Yukio's Mom

    @elyse_vella No, this chapter and other - original from WT, not "screenshot" and not "translate" as you think. I could give examples if you need them. Your reaction is offensive. Have a nice day, "dude" >_>
  3. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 71 - Yukio's Mom

    @somedode Sorry, fix it😁
  4. R0M

    Peaceful Yuri Manga - Ch. 14

    @210astat , спасибо за комментарий =) Русский перевод альтернативного названия был вставлен не нами, к сожалению. Репорт на исправление закинули уже.
  5. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 70 - Snowfall

  6. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 70 - Snowfall

    @lsbkf Okay, I heard you.
  7. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 70 - Snowfall

    @lsbkf Images are obtained from the mobile WebToons app. In a week there will be a replacement for a better quality. In this regard, I have a question for you - are you ready to wait a long time, but with better quality or a weekly posting comics "as is" with image replacement in the future?
  8. R0M

    Peaceful Yuri Manga - Ch. 7

    @coma_ii вероятно стереотип о "злых русских", которые с пеленок умеют стрелять. Ну и сопутствующее - водка, медведи, etc. В этом и суть манги, что обычные "злые и нелюдимые русские" способны любить, а вдобавок еще тема про юри, которая обычно в СССР и России табуируется всегда. Я вижу это...
  9. R0M

    Stalker x Stalker - Ch. 61 - Slow Down

    @majoralexjackson it's my pleasure) What if Yukio parents are stalkers too? we need this story, lol
  10. R0M

    Clinic of Horrors (Canvas) - Ch. 42 - The Corners

    Added a fixed version
  11. R0M

    Clinic of Horrors (Canvas) - Ch. 42 - The Corners

    @MarqFJA87 I strongly apologize for the quality. This and previous chapters are derived from the Webtoon mobile app. After getting the normal version, there will be fixes.