Interesting. She's still stealing, not because she thinks it's okay for her to be doing it, but because she still believes in her friend, and doesn't want her friend to be wrong. Despite the fact that she can see where her friend's actions led, she still believes in her, and their friendship...
Thank you. I started reading this forever ago, and I never thought I'd see the ending. And to see that it ended so well just means that I owe you thanks all the more. This has been an awful year for pretty much everyone in the entire world, and you all deserve thanks and appreciation for...
I've actually gotten a little more on his side, here. At first, it felt like the characters from H2 giving up and going to Eikyo. But now, it's like he's trying to re-make Eikyo from the inside. I'm willing to give him a little more rope, here.
I'm reading manga while listening to my playlist, and just as I opened up this new chapter, "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty started playing. So then I read a chapter of one of the least chill manga ever while listening to one of the most chill songs ever, and it was a weird experience.