It's funny because now we have to share the uploader's account to have edit permissions, introducing even bigger security risks let alone sabotage. Have you thought about that one?
Missing Page 9, will be fixed when either a mod gets to it or the uploader gets home.
Mangadex devs thinks it's funny to remove edit perms for everyone else.
You can finally start collecting physical copies of this work of art now soon.
Links to US sellers on Yenpress
Bookdepository for free worldwide shipping for everyone else.
Comes out November 17th, you should totally preorder it if you can.
@marghedsmet Fried tofu is actually what's supposed to be on the box, I just had trouble fitting it in and having it look good, should've tried harder my bad.
The author takes a break after he finishes a volume.
He's posted a teaser recently so it's expected to start again this Friday at the earliest, then regular releases every 2 weeks afterwards, barring any delays.