Search results

  1. zeen3

    better group filtration :rejected:

    can we split sssss into two: one for oneshots/money and one for more often stuff? Or maybe have filtering done on the client, and have more fine grained control, ie: show certain groups on one page but hide everywhere else, or hide a group if there is any alternative chapter available? Ran into...
  2. zeen3

    Keyboard based scrolling should be predictable over time and keyboard repeat rate

    Current issue: Keyboard based scrolling is currently somewhat jittery and based on number of presses/repeats over time. Vertical scroll can currently be overridden, however overriding horizontal scroll cannot be done in a normal manner without potentially bringing other issues along (using...
  3. zeen3

    Repeated keystrokes in reader on horizontal scroll should not trigger page change

    Current issue: Holding A/D on the reader to scroll on a wide image will trigger a page change. If holding to pan a full sized image, changes image at edge. Resolve: Use event.repeat to detect, and cancel page change if true. Workflow: Enable option within the options dialog.
  4. zeen3

    Tachiyomi: recent updates shows new by

    @Holo please re-add the mangadex_filter_langs support to fix [inorichi/tachiyomi-extensions] #1215 MangaDex Latest Manga and similar. Thank you. Currently this issue comes about because of the move from cookie to session cookie storage. If it could be used (eg: cookie defining singular language...
  5. zeen3

    Reducing or resolving the issue with community drama with minimal changes to the current infrastructure

    This is more of a shortlist of ideas mixed with legalese, but still; Group permission to allow, disallow (from anyone below contributor or staff role for instance), or disable comments on chapters. Other options (such as filter by users, content, or tone) could be trialled, but the three...
  6. zeen3

    Chapter upload/api: boolean/numerical "page first centred" option

    essentially a boolean "First page is openleft/openright" flag for double page readers which will centre the given page. centered: 0 = pages are always shown as double paged mode if possible (eg page 1 + 2 are both portrait with a tall aspect ratio). centered: 1 = first page is shown centred...
  7. zeen3

    Title search includes title search without genre keywords

    If a search word piece matches a genre (eg: isekai, oneshot, ecchi), the search will include ones matching the genre (even if not matching the title) as well as ones matching the titles/description. Essentially a gotcha? idk, really just means that titles that are specifically written to avoid...
  8. zeen3

    [Tachiyomi/Mangadex] Often displays [END] on chapter 0

    Basically any unfinished manga with a chapter 0 gets marked as [END]. Quick fix would be to iterate over all manga and convert any manga where the last chapter flag is 0 and is not a oneshot to -1; and have it default to -1 for new manga.
  9. zeen3

    null test test :rejected:

  10. zeen3


    transparent white #272b30 #2e3338 Literally unreadable.