How are they 5th cousins?? From my understanding, Charlotte and Jonah are 1st cousins, so then Charlotte and Luca are 1st cousins-once-removed from Luca's dad side and 2nd cousins-once-removed from his mom's side.
Most of the information on Baka Updates is submitted by users, so it's not always up-to-date.
If the translators say its probably cancelled, then 😥
Series Name: Hyakki Yakoushou
Series Link on MangaDex:
Chapter Progress: Volume 8/27
Date of last release: 1/8/2018
Reason group dropped: idk, too busy?
Raws available? Yes
The first chapter was like a prologue that showed what will happen in the future, or you can think of it as a promotional chapter for the story
Impatient Scans will be shutting down their group and stop scanlating due to takedown notices.
Hopefully someone else can pick up the next chapter cuz I can't wait to see what happens 😭
The author released 6 chapters before the story was officially picked up by Naver (check the related link in the description), but now the author will release new (/edited) chapters for official publication 🤗