@Joonhas it's already been established that their flaps secrete a powerful aphrodisiac that makes the MC more than willing, IE not rape considering both parties could technically not consent.
This manga is so dumb!
*Everyone reads to chapter forty-fucking-eight*
Too many characters!
*Can't follow along a narrative that is widely popular in a variety of texts*
Too complicated!
*75% of plot is just about sex*
Can you retarded weebs just fucking enjoy this ecchi with a simple plot...
@boag fucking incel lol do you have any idea how fucked society would be without the other sex? Get your fucking ass ready, because there'd be be so much homosexual rape if all women died out. You might even finally get some action yourself.
Ya'll fucking S T O O P I D for thinking this is anything other than the manga equivalent of a B-Flick.
It's dumb.
It's sexy.
It's gory.
It's fun. You want your next fucking NGE you're in the wrong place you dense fucks.
Being a Kirara fan, this is probably the peak of her glory. She just cucked two girls at once, inducing jealously and nausea in the girls and the delusional Ragi and Satsuki fans.
Legit tho this straight-forward drama is refreshing.