Still don’t understand why they haven’t just used the device as a "suicide bomb" attack. Just shout to petrify 500 meters and let your allies come and melt you out.
@leonsamax Don’t let the friend zone or ladder theory warp your reality. Those are just ways men excuse themselves from their unrequited feelings and trying to drag out platonic relationships with their crushes.
Reality is a lot more complex than that. It’s a dangerous incel concept that will...
More forgettable garbage. Whenever this manga is finally completed, I doubt I will remember much, if anything that ever happened in it after a couple months. Literally nothing happens. I wonder if the mangaka is truly proud of his work or if he’s accepted he literally has nothing of value to...
I’d rather see the drama and zero progression over just zero progression.
Fucking hate this character but I fucking hated the last 25 chapters more so.... here’s to 2021, the year of Mami
This is called shitty parenting. Kid staring at a wall for 10m “what the heck are you doing son, staring at someone? That’s rude as hell, time for a lesson in manners!’ *slapp*