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  1. tea-sea

    Boukyaku Seijo - Ch. 1.4 - Saint Selections?!

    It's a word play of 捕獲 (hokaku, meaning capture)、保護 (hogo, meaning taking someone under protection)、and 捕縛 (hobaku, meaning apprehension). Basically, Eley is treating Mariabelle like a stray dog / criminal and Maribelle wants him to use a nicer word instead. The conversion went like this: "For...
  2. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan - Vol. 6 Ch. 31

    @Kaeos999 Eh. "That" page could still be worse to scanslate. The text could have been hand written instead of typed. The bubble background could've been transparent instead of solid.
  3. tea-sea

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 5 Ch. 60.2 - Extra Chapter

    Took him a while to respond ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    @XXXXXXXXXIII @Kato_007 Yeah, I don't care if people want to typeset using my translation. Or retranslate using my translation. Whatever. You guys sort it out. Just don't butcher it. :P I'm not a party to any drama isekai ojisan drama that I'm aware of? @Dreis It would actually have been less...
  5. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    Chapter 29 is translated.
  6. tea-sea

    Albert-ke no Reijou wa Botsuraku wo Goshomou desu

    Thank you for the awesome translation. Isekai series often suffer from low effort releases with translations that are somehow worse than MTL, but the chapters I've read side by side for this series have been super accurate. The editing is great too.
  7. tea-sea

    Munou na Nana

    This actually starts getting interesting at volume 5.
  8. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    @AfiakiLooks Wow! It looks like a frigging nightmare to translate. The whole chapter was them talking about the sega megadrive mini and its games. Not it.
  9. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    PM'ed you. Also, ch 28 is also done. The red bubbles should be easier to follow than chapter 27.1.
  10. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    @Jojeke Not sure if it'd be against the rule so I'll PM you one of my usual raw sites.
  11. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    @Afiaki Since the tank raws are out, why don't you use that instead?
  12. tea-sea

    Isekai Ojisan

    It's unfortunate that Mangadex doesn't feel my typesetting was up to standard even though quite a few people seemed to like it. I've uploaded 27.1 to Google Drive for those curious: I'm also working on chapter...
  13. tea-sea

    Rebuild World

    I love this murder hobo.
  14. tea-sea

    College of /a/lchemists

    @chachasnation Thanks. We put a lot of efforts into our release, but the writing and the story of the series isn't keeping our interest. @ellenA_miL05 I had someone pm me asking for raws. Maybe they'll release something sometimes. @nyotas I'm taking a break from translating at the moment...
  15. tea-sea


    Chapter 24 is HYPE. It's the perfect setup chapter.