@lucislildev I thought the same thing but I think how masquerade balls or whatever work is that it doesn't matter off one's social standing as a noble they are allowed to mingle amongst one another. Or she didn't know that was the prince lol.
I've never been in love, I've liked and admired people but I was always too afraid to step out my bubble and share my feelings. It's honestly scary because what if they don't like you back that way and you ruin whatever friendship you had with them by making it awkward... I find it hard to tell...
Yeh I also agreed that the name is kinda displeasing to say in my head
But thank you for the chapter!
P.S. Is mangadex being difficult for anyone? Cause sometimes I have to refresh a thousand times to look at a chapter only for it to say that the chapter has no pages leading me to refresh...
@Athedite I read up to chapter 8(chapter 8 for some reason is a repeat of the first chapter)
Here is the link: https://mangahub.io/manga/please-save-my-husband
This is honestly a matter of who moves faster than the other at this pointtttt~ Love triangles are cute and all but what I hate is that in the long run someone's gonna get hurt
Also thank you for the update!!!