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    Dorei Haha Monzetsu Imouto

    @the_one_who_waits sure. whenever they get translated. so far its just the 2 chapters :( the other chapter "family practice" was a rewrite and not actually a translation so its not posted
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    Saraba Ochinchin - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Good Bye! Ochin-chin (2)

    Page 14 is missing. I couldn't find a good version anywhere. Desudesu apparently did fix it but everyone already took the bad version. uploaded with the raw page until somebody finds a good version
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    Saraba Ochinchin - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Good Bye! Ochin-chin (1)

    Page 12 is missing. I couldn't find a good version anywhere. Desudesu apparently did fix it but everyone already took the bad version. uploaded with the raw page until somebody finds a good version
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    Ingyaku Kanzokutou

    you might even ask.... why was this favorited over 200 times
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    @HermesPasser yeah MU is a little behind on the releases for this series. This is the first official compilation of the series and MU is just recording each individual chapter release for the series (more than 9 at the moment) also complicating it is that there are multiple chapters with the...
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    Shoujo-tachi no Sadism

    @pandascepter i was just in the middle of uploading the previous tank and noticed your comment. Uploads keep failing on me and i don't have much to do but refresh the pages and retry uploading 5 times before it works. So i got this tank ready for upload while i wait.
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    @pandascepter sure
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    Torokete Tokeru

    @AWindPass it worked for me after refreshing for a bit it gave me an error at the start "Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined" i think something happened when the mods merged the chapter
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    Dream Road

    @john9983 Yeah i'm bad for that. I don't ready any of the stuff i upload and generally speaking the tags on ex-hentai generally don't have a spot in the current tagging system (really only things like yuri, yaoi, incest, and a few other common ones exist). With the number of things i upload its...
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    Large file upload

    could be a good debate among the staff. what res is too high of a res. when each image starts getting over 10MB it can bog down a peasants internet connection. :P Perhaps a solution would be a forum post to the software that optimizes images and the approved configuration for said software. I've...
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    Large file upload

    i did this with a oneshot that was 440 MB i just did the following Chapter 1.1 - Oneshot (Part 1) Chapter 1.2 - Oneshot (Part 2) Chapter 1.3 - Oneshot (Part 3) Chapter 1.4 - Oneshot (Part 4) Chapter 1.5 - Oneshot (Part 5)
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    Mamagoto - Oneshot

    "no group" is "Cats Lover"
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    Bakuman - ANGEL PAIN 17 - Hatsuman (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    There are a few pages with lower resolutions. maybe someday someone will swap this translation over to the digital scans
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    Ane Kyun! ~My Sweet Sweet Elder Sister~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Girls x Holes

    This chapter is translated by "Melez"
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    Darashina Oppai to Asobo - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Niiduma Enjou

    An EH hentai bounty release
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    Konnakoto - Vol. 1 Ch. 11 - A Borrowed Thing

    Translated by Syndin
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    Fate/stay night - RED (Doujinshi) - Ch. 1

    Page 26 is missing. It was missing in the original raws