Oh man, this is one of the ones I would like to get it's own series! I love this type of couple dynamic and there's never enough puppy/golden retriever ml's in the villainess genre lol
Oh shit, he's back! 😯
I'll be honest, I don't remember how I felt about him, but it's always fun to have a character reappear lol
(And I agree with klooqy, I'd like to see qi ling again soon too 🥲)
Him getting jealous of himself and the feelings that she has for him that she's keeping hidden hopefully just for now reminds me of full marks hidden marriage lol (at least the novel version, don't know if it was changed up in the adaption)
And niti :c figured someone would get sick as soon as...
A funnier twist would be if he actually wasn't nobunaga and was actually just a history otaku from modern times that was just a huge nobunaga fan and took this as an opportunity to "become" him lol
Also, with the black haired/red eyes edit, I'm surprised no one compared him to ikemen sengoku's...
I'm assuming that with the type of series this is, the blood test isn't like the actual old method, but had some technique added to be accurate. That or in this world it somehow works that way? I mean of all things in this series it's not the most unrealistic thing lol it is a fantasy genre
@bh242 I was thinking the same thing! Really hope it's not like that since the father seems so great this time, their relationship is cute, and he would probably be a great support for her too...
@hitsuchan tbh I really want to see the aftermath of the original timeline. I imagine her dad probably turned on the emperor with max after that but I would still like to see everyone's reactions and everything else
Dude, she gave you a blanket and the floor's right there... Not only trespassing into her room, but her bed too? tsk tsk 😔
I'm joking, but also c'mon man, I know you're gonna be ml but you're already being too much lol
Don't tell me they're apologizing because they were purposefully trying to destabilize a neighboring kingdom and she was a casualty of it, along with the usual cliche of him falling for her during that time and becoming conflicted because of it? Or worse, he fell for her and purposefully set up...
@ismaelh I believe the raws are released in parts. On the last page/credit page BTS says that they're releasing the chapters in full, so they're putting the parts together into 1
I usually try not to drop series for "petty" reasons, but I swear if the prince is endgame... I will cry lol
Like, please! Yulan is too good to be 2nd lead! And it would be her actively choosing him! Instead of the people around her putting it into motion like what's happening with the...
I know people get mad seeing people who didn't care before suddenly caring and regretting how they treated mc and I do agree that it is dumb, but personally I love it lol I love angsty shit but I also love when the mcs are happy, so if I can get my angst fix with the side characters who deserve...
Still confused on the sibling. Girl, guy, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid? Doesn't super matter, but I personally like things clarified when it comes to fiction lol
Thanks for the update!