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  1. AlexandraH

    Promise In The Night of Fireworks - Ch. 4 - First Promise

    gasp! a smooch! how cute! :win:
  2. AlexandraH

    Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money - Vol. 2 Ch. 56

    damn, she's a total psycho, and a huge pervert to be certain too ... I'm in love ❤️
  3. AlexandraH

    Ryuu to Ryuu no Kekkon - Ch. 4

    so fucking cute!!
  4. AlexandraH

    Ryuu to Ryuu no Kekkon - Ch. 1

    looks hella interesting! also sounds like one hell of a translation challenge, so i appreciate the translation notes
  5. AlexandraH

    Gal Can't Be Kind to Otaku!? - Vol. 7 Ch. 45 - Otaku & Gyaru & Feelings of Love

    I know it might not be likely, but i hope it's the true best girl (no but srs, they do look kinda similar, so maybe a cousin or something?)
  6. AlexandraH

    I'm Being Raised by Villains - Ch. 64

    damn, must take a lot of trust to put a 10-year old as the head of a family
  7. AlexandraH

    Seto-san o Warawasetai Tsumugi-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 20 - Strategy 20: tsumugi-chan who made seto-san laugh

    according this post that has been retweeted by the artist, a second part might be considered if the first volume does well so not necessarily the end yet!
  8. AlexandraH

    Goddess of Lingerie - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    why is this listed as the final chapter? the raws that are linked go up to 13 regardless, thanks for the tl, hope to see more!
  9. AlexandraH

    I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster - Vol. 2 Ch. 65

    we knew that she was sus, but holy shit
  10. AlexandraH

    Watashi to Kanojo no Kawaii Koi no Hajime Kata - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Hanging out naked with friends?!

    lesbian flag but with jolyne's colour scheme lol from:
  11. AlexandraH

    Watashi to Kanojo no Kawaii Koi no Hajime Kata - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Hanging out naked with friends?!

    this may seem like a letdown after last chapter, but if the chapter title pattern holds, the next three chapters are shaping up to be some good shit!
  12. AlexandraH

    Pastel Love - Ch. 30 - Thousand Years From Now [Season 1 ended]

    "can we pretend that airplanes, in the night sky, are like shooting stars~"
  13. AlexandraH

    Ichikoe, Nifuri, Tachiaoi - Ch. 5

    omg, they're gonna be roommates~
  14. AlexandraH

    Colorful Antinomy - Ch. 2

    gosh yeah, it could go either way with it being yuri or not. it cute tho