Did she really or is she just being very bold and using basic observation and deduction to push buttons?
Bet that he will just bonk her head and reveal that he has made peace with it already
Actually a Light novel
The manga did drop last year but somehow nobody picked it up
That being said the part of Vtuber being completely unhinged is completely true to live
Well too late to go anything anymore
Too much into has been leaked and a cover up is already out of the question
The world will be in chaos from now on for sure
Alchemy, either she added some sand or extracted something from not usefull part of the ingerdients to form the glass
MC problem is that she had no support, for the looks of it she had no senior to turn on, since everyone was against her for the perceived favoritism.
Rei is VERY good at repressing her emotions, she also is somewhat disassociated from her time before she recovered her memories.
Moreover she is smart enought to realize that she had to act, or they all would be dead
@amstash She did the right thing yes, but the problem is that the relationship between Saeko and Misa is not real love.
Sure they care about each other but they don't really connect romantically.
All that talk about another world not know to humanity does sound similar to the LostBelt but different, and that breach between world does that mean that an alien god may appear?