@unkogr0l I actually thought that "prom" was a translation choice here.
Indeed when I checked the raw the actual term used was 舞踏会(butoukai). According to Jisho.org that word means ball or dance, which is what I would have expected given the setting.
I know Jisho isn't always accurate for this...
I don't know if this is the first chapter it's been mentioned or if I just missed it before, but it strikes me as odd that people in a medieval European style setting would be going to a 'prom'. That's a more recent American thing.
I think it'd be more likely they would be going to a ball or...
@kashiwa_mae can your translations please stick to "first year" and the like instead of using terms like "freshman". As someone who isn't American it really sucks having to stop the flow of my reading to convert the term in my head.
Small correction on page 2, you used the adverb 'rarely' when you should have used the adjective 'rare', i.e.:
"Demons with a rarely evil look" -> "Demons with a rare evil look"