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  1. Z

    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 2 Ch. 62

    @Neko-min it doesn't matter what orientation he has or what he identifies as. The fact is, he didn't like Gaspel from the beginning, only saw him as a convenient fool he could manipulate to get the riches he wanted. Then he planned to use and torture his own cousin through this man. He's simply...
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    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 2 Ch. 62

    This fucking bitch ain't no one gonna pity your traitorous affair infested ass. Bitch went after his cousins crush, planned to stab her in the back and use her as some sort of baby making machine, and mooch off her skills, diminish and torture her, and now he has the gall to play the victim of...
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    Under the Oak Tree - Ch. 11

    God Speeeeeeeddddd!!! Omg thank you so much you guyss!!! Amazing, fantastic, just *chef's kiss*
  4. Z

    Max Level Returner - Ch. 24

    @Radlife Yup I already knew this and that's why I said it was justified. I def remember the hunters in solo leveling and have seen this pattern. Honestly , more power to them. I feel like if I was an author, I'd do it too to any country that may have wronged mine. To kind of tell our side of...
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    Max Level Returner - Ch. 24

    I love how all korean manhwa artists make Japan out to be the skummiest of counties when dealing with things on a world scale. The animosity is definitely justified but I find it interesting that they carry it forward in their works of fiction as well. Sweet sweet revenge. Oh and as others have...
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    The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 24

    Well isn't that the most cliche plot point mine Gosh. But I mean, I'm not complaining 😂😂😂
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    Remarried Empress - Ch. 41

    I have never, and I mean NEVER, hated an antagonist do much. WHATEVER THE FUCK HIS NAME IS EMPORER YOU DESERVE A PLACE WORSE THAN HELL Legit I knew this would happen yet I still read It took seconds for my blood pressure to hit the roof after he made his stinky ass appearance There are not...
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    I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    Not gonna lie I had tears in my eyes. It was so hard to read all those first few chapter, thank God it got better. Also, are they implying that the Grand duke loved her all along yet somehow didn't realize it until she died? So brought both of them back? Well why'd you act like such an asshole...
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    A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Thank you for this! Love your translations!!
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    Remarried Empress - Ch. 37

    Omg Kafmaaaaannnnn our baby cinnamon roll aaaaaaah I want his happiness, that's all I want pls Also, tysm for translating! Love the current release schedule, cuz we get a good amount of chapters over time. thank you again!
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    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 2 Ch. 51

    God damn it the trash is back. Bet he's gonna sabotage the cure ugh🙄
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    The Princess in the Dumpster - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    Tysm for this amazing mass update!!! Loving this
  13. Z

    The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 19

    She just keeps getting better and better and I am SO here for it! N Tysm for the very speedy releases!! Much love
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    The Lady and the Beast - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    I am cackling‐
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    The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 9

    When I say I choked, I CHOKED-
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    The Villainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom - Vol. 6 Ch. 23

    Um no. No no no. Nonononononono It's D-day, give the girl a break Please
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    Four Years Apart - Ch. 64

    Thank you for translating! But what about the afterwards?
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    Bring the Love - Ch. 46

    Bless your soul tysm! Legit cause of death was this whole chapter I cannotttttt
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    This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 51

    Stand needs to go NOW! give me my best boy Delice. I don't wanna see Stand's face no more 😠
  20. Z


    Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! So freaking good!! Sp glad y'all are hack! Tysm for the translations!!