Uhm no she didnt injure herself in that panel? She only reacts like that because she was injured the day before. Check page 10, top right panel. Conclusion: only 1 person got injured, and it seems like it's Miku. But how?
There's no scene of anyone injuring her feet in 5, only that "I hurt my leg yesterday" which means that there's still only 1 person that's injured. Question is, isn't it Ichika?
@RUD3DUD3 Ah my bad seems like I misread your earlier comment. And yeah, it seems like Nino knows that Ichika knows, Nino wasn't exactly hiding it anyway when she jokingly said it's a secret.
@art17 No, people should call out bad translators. It's how they will improve. If it's bad, tell em it's bad. Tell people it's bad. If you stay quiet they'll consider it up to standards and not do anything to improve it. This is how it works.