My uncle’s budgie loved to mimick the sounds of keys turned in the lock, opening and closing the front door and then footsteps in the hallway. In that order. In the middle of the night. So yeah, they can.
I kinda wonder if he actually was better than generic mobs, but the presence of the dungeon somehow affected him - and maybe the dead Branker whose name I have already forgotten as well. Maybe it’s not just the ability to use magic that exists near the gate, but also a corrupting aura our MCs...
Contacts are even more of a hassle, cause they’re more complicated to take off before a swim or going to sleep (and if you bathe or swim with them, you’re risking a serious eye infection that can cost your sight btw), and you have to keep buying new ones as one should not wear the same pair for...
As someone who’s been wearing glasses since second grade elementary school, no. Glasses are uncomfy, you can’t really wear good headsets, you have to take it off if you wanna go bath or swimming, a hassle to keep them clean, expensive to replace when (and not if) they break or your eyes change...
I just really really hope this “no cheating” and “you can’t check out other girls” thing (while in themselves being acceptable requests) isn’t a foreshadowing for triangles and embarrassingly misunderstood situations just for the sake of Drama.
Reminded me of that awesome story about an elderly lady mistaking a demon for her grandson, which is good, but turned out something different, which is even better.
And there are times when said licensed efforts obviously just reuse a scanlated version with their grammar errors, correcting it only in the occasional places so blatantly that you can almost see the masking white rectangle...