I’m glad that they were able to handle that quickly. Although his feelings got hurt, nobody was manipulated (although the guy was a bit insensitive). Thanks for the update
I love seeing scanlators bts, but is he really gonna sleep with a whole bunch of people? Cause that’s the vibe I was getting from the notes, but it doesn’t seem likely
Finally reading the manga. The anime has too much exposition, so it’s nice to see how quickly things are happening over here. Rimuru’s character also feels colder here, which is a nice change of pace
So many characters, so little motivation behind their actions, and the author is not helping. Either tell us why, or kill them off! Plus, when will the gold dragon arrive?
*sigh* the only real damage is the knocked out tooth, unfortunately. They should have crushed his balls or something, that way the stupidity won’t be passed down.
These guys are basically immortal though. Can tank full powered punches from multiple assailants and still run around fine. Adrenaline’s a thing but suppressing pain tolerance with traumatic injuries is another
How did he fire a real gun without feeling recoil? He himself claimed that the weight was different from BB guns, plus there’s the weight of the magazine.
ayyy Sooman Kang stepping up. Defending is always super difficult but his abilities are really cool. And Kayden finally arrives. Also, looks like the chairwoman is gonna be coming soon too