Search results

  1. ThreeTimesFaster

    Odalisque - Ch. 1

    Gendered speech patters really helped in the Japanese original. I'm open to suggestions on how to reduce this ambiguity in English.
  2. ThreeTimesFaster

    Ihou no Oswald - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Fateful Encounter

    @Kendama I don't bother doing it myself because you can set up your viewer up to handle spreads if you so care. And I hate it when pages change height when viewing in a fixed width viewer in single page mode. Which happens when spreads are merged. I have the raws anyway so I don't stop the...
  3. ThreeTimesFaster

    The Terrarium With Key - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Rainforest 3

    Yep. Vol 4, out on 2020-11-12 is the final volume. 5 more (web) chapters.
  4. ThreeTimesFaster

    Three Silver Coins is recruiting!

    Bump. We are desperate for for cleaners/redrawers/proofreaders for Juuza no Ulna.
  5. ThreeTimesFaster

    Hajime Algorithm - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Hajime's Beginnings

    @barc @saenahonce A Banach Space is a vector space (hence linear) that has a norm and is complete. Having a norm generalises the idea of "length" to arbitrary spaces. Completeness here means complete in the Cauchy sense, i.e. every limit point of a Cauchy sequence is present in the space. Very...
  6. ThreeTimesFaster

    Three Silver Coins is recruiting!

    Bump! We are desperate for for cleaners/redrawers for Hajime Algorithm. Japanese translators are also welcome.
  7. ThreeTimesFaster


    This upload is missing most of the pages in the chapter. Only 7/32 are present.
  8. ThreeTimesFaster

    Three Silver Coins is recruiting!

    Three Silver Coins is currently (and always) recruiting all positions. Our focus is historical, military and sci-fi manga, but we are willing to pick up other genres too, depending on member interest. Current series: Alma, Kagitsuki Terrarium, Hajime Algorithm, Juuza no Ulna, Ihou no Oswald...
  9. ThreeTimesFaster

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My group: (ID: 10443) My profile: (ID: 648583) Proof: Discord server