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    Kyouken Hachiko - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Welp this changes pancakes forever
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    Hare-Kon. - Vol. 18 Ch. 176 - The Stardust Lowlife

    So he actually prefers that they're in turmoil?! Tf is up with this toxicity... I mean it was hinted in the flashbacks to when they were younger but I thought that part of him matured.
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    Blue Lock - Vol. 12 Ch. 95 - Tryouts

    Ahhhh so many new characters in the top 6! Thanks for this 🙏
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    Stargazing Dog - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Sunflower Field

    I'm actually sobbing... What great storytelling. I could easily see this being adapted to live action
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    Blue Lock - Vol. 11 Ch. 94 - Time Has Come

    Thanks for doing this!!
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    Watashi no Shounen - Vol. 8 Ch. 36 - Memories

    I just realized all the actual grown men in this story are all immature sh*ts while the boy is more thoughtful /mature than all of them. Edit : when I say "all" the men, thinking of masshu's father, her father and her ex. I guess her sisters bf seems OK
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    Chihayafuru - Vol. 40 Ch. 205

    Crying actual tears ... I didn’t realize how much the characters meant to me!
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    Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai - Vol. 7 Ch. 39

    Thank you for translating!!!
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    Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban

    Karasuma could teach a master class in power bottoming
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    Haikyu!! - Vol. 43 Ch. 382 - A Procession of Monsters

    Still waiting for Nishinoya 😭😭😭😭
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    Blue Sky Complex - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    Wooooooooo thanks for the update 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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    Tadaima, Okaeri

    Super cute and heartwarming ~
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    Mingo: Italia-jin ga Minna Moteru to Omou na yo

    Terrace House brought me here
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    Kekkon Shite Kudasai!

    It was super rushed at the end but I liked the plot twist! Thanks for sharing the twitter updates as well. The family photos are so cute.
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    Yin Yori Danjou wa Nakanaka Susumenai - Ch. 2

    This is so cute! Thank you so much for uploading!!