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  1. WeebAsian

    SPY×FAMILY - Ch. 85

    Those sfx hurts.
  2. WeebAsian

    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 17 Ch. 141 - The Cat That Wants to be Adopted

    I had a breakdown before and I just could not relate more to Tama. I basically had a similar response from my parents and I just couldn't get to express what I wanted to hear from them. It was just so hard to even mutter a word that I couldn't get all my feelings across. It ended horribly... I...
  3. WeebAsian

    Dai Tokyo Oniyome-den

    I just read the one-shot. Then I come back to this marked as completed. Should be cancelled, not completed.
  4. WeebAsian

    Mafia's Daughter: Operation Makeover - Ch. 50 - Play Time is Over

    I don't even know how to react. Thank you so much.
  5. WeebAsian

    Mr. Monster

    For anybody who wants to read, it's in the official raw. Pretty easy to read since the description is accurate.
  6. WeebAsian


    @Toxin45 There is a way to not give spoilers in the comments and I hope you know that.
  7. WeebAsian


    So at 25 chapters in, I wanted to say that this is more like a remake than a sequel to Offal Island. But after 34, I just don't know anymore.
  8. WeebAsian

    Freak Island - Vol. 8 Ch. 39 - March of the saints

    "How? Even though she's a monster, I can't believe I find her to be cute!". Me too bro... Me too.
  9. WeebAsian

    Sekai ka Kanojo ka Erabenai - Vol. 9 Ch. 40.3 - Post-Decision 2: Akane

    I'mma put a Sabinuki Kanojo spoiler in the comments
  10. WeebAsian

    Bimajo no Ayano-san

    It feels like it was axed by the author. It would've been greater if it was longer. don't link to aggregator sites
  11. WeebAsian

    Hayate no Gotoku! - Vol. 20 Ch. 211 - RADICAL DREAMERS : REAL SIDE

    @Ilovecats351 @SomeGuyWithHair I don't know if you already know this but the title of this chapter is actually referencing the last episode of the first season of the anime titled "Radical Dreamers". This chapter is that episode but in Nagi's perspective, hence "REAL SIDE". Volume 20 was...
  12. WeebAsian

    Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - That So-called Energy Shortage

    Supervisor-san almost made me coom with one glance.
  13. WeebAsian

    Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - There's a Reason Behind that Seedling. (1)

    Finally, Makie-chan(≧▽≦) Also, Musashino Sekai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. WeebAsian

    Dick Cloud

    That was tragic.
  15. WeebAsian

    Fire Punch

    @realWeebAsian Even though you're me, you're welcome. I just finished now. I'd say it's a ride that doesn't loop. Once it's ended, then it's ended. Just a one time use.
  16. WeebAsian

    Fire Punch

    Yo @realWeebAsian
  17. WeebAsian

    Pumpkin Night

    So many people hating the translation. I think the memes and shitposts are bad but I just can't care about it as much as the haters in the comments. I just wanted to know if Pumpkin Night Gaiden is fully translated and where I can read it.