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  1. H

    Need manga recommendations

    Realistic and somehow comedic huh... but you put Vagabond in your recommendation, so i'll just put some series that i feel close to what OP asking, here we go : 1. I Am A Hero. Okay, not exactly what you call a full comedy but it contain what OP ask for, a somehow realistic drawing art that...
  2. H

    Looking for Oneshot

    Thanks both of you, but i guess even not a lot of reply here means that the oneshot is pretty much hard to find or most people have probably never heard of it, i'll try vmman suggestion and ask in TOMT subreddit and other manga forum as well, thanks again both of you! and dw i'll ping you out...
  3. H

    What’s a manga that was so bad/you couldn’t stand that you had to rate it a 1-3?

    like ieatass69 post, if i see a manga and after i read 10 chapter and see nothing interesting/irredemable i just drop it and forgot about it entirely but this post kinda remind me about a certain isekai that i outright loath with passion, Gun-Ota, it's probably the only isekai that i've...
  4. H

    Looking for Oneshot

    So, this is apparently an extremely old oneshot, it's been like 8 or 10 years since i've read it but it's still fresh in my mind and i badly want to read it again, and i kinda give up searching it since looking for that one particular oneshot is extremely hard enough.. So, iirc the series...
  5. H

    Yuusha, Yamemasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.5

    that behaviour, ugh... Must Protecc...