I appreciate the translators, but the manga runs the trope into the ground so hard it pops out the other side of the Earth and back into the ground every chapter. It killed the joke by the end of chapter 2
This is absolutely wretched. The translation group does well and this has nothing to do with their ability. The manga, however, is one of the worst things I've ever tried to read. Everything was done for shock value and has no purpose other than that. Its pacing even rivals that of a bad manhua
Thanks for the translation. The only things that confused me were about the finger in mouth and biting molars. Is there anyone who can clarify that for me?
Yes, author, please ruin your manga with stupid ass drama milking. Why in the nine hells of Baator would he not have just assassinated the stupid bastard when he had the chance instead of allowing this kinda situation come to fruition? Stupid ass drama milking
Is this a troll translation? Seriously. Why are we getting things from the undead's perspective when it makes no sense? There's numerous spots where " I " is used instead of " me " or " it " or " he " and don't get me started on people formally speaking and calling people " dude. " The...
Translators do an amazing job, however it's not enough to save this manhwa.
If you like screwed pacing worse than a bad manhua and a buncha bs plot shenanigans, then this is for you. If not, steer clear.
This could have been amazing. Instead, the author opted to make one of those stupid "I can only speak like a freak because reasons." types. If it was just to the point of being misunderstood, it'd be one thing, but the mc literally can't even say anything properly just because. It's not funny...